X-Humate Amino Acid Liquid Fertilizer is rich in active peptides, amino acids, calcium, and natural growth active substances. Efficacy and functions of amino acid liquid fertilizer: 1. Amino acid liquid fertilizer promotes the vitality of crop root systems, activates and expands adventitious roots, and induces a large number of fresh roots to provide sufficient vitality for seedlings, so that the seedlings grow strong instead of overgrowing. 2. Amino acids can promote crop metabolism, increase photosynthesis rate, quickly supplement various nutritional elements of crops, and provide sufficient nutrients during crop growth. 3. High-quality amino acid liquid fertilizer can regulate the vegetative growth of crops, plays a key role in the reproductive growth of crops, significantly increases the number and weight of grains per ear, and promotes the maturity of living stems. 4. Amino acid liquid fertilizer can help various transplanted crops such as rice and vegetables quickly turn green after planting, promote robust growth of crops, promote flower bud differentiation in the early stage of plant growth, and avoid flower and fruit drop. 5. The use of amino acid liquid fertilizers during plant growth and later development stages can significantly improve the fruit bearing rate and rapidly enlarge the fruits. It can also make students’ ornamental crops have bright flowers and long green leaves. Generally, by using various Amino acid fertilizers can make crops mature earlier and increase yields. 6. Amino acid fertilizers can also effectively alleviate diseases and improve the immunity of economic crops. Amino acid liquid fertilizers have a high social effect on alleviating various physiological diseases that are more likely to occur in crops, especially on soybeans. Crops such as tomatoes, peanuts, and vegetables have a strong ability to suppress diseases caused by heavy cropping. 7. Amino acid fertilizer can effectively improve the stress resistance of crops. It can protect the seedlings from the cold weather in winter, provide root temperature for the seedlings, and has the ability to resist light deficiency and salt-alkali, prevent crop lodging and premature aging, and can make the seedlings stiff, weak, and yellow, and recover as soon as possible.   
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